We're generating new fields, buying new properties at this current moment.

Focus is local and European markets.

None of the grown trees have been treated by any kind of pesticide. ONLY natural forms of insect detersion
is used (e.g. ladybugs for aphids etc).

In the fertile lands of Kurdistan, where history and agriculture intertwine, a vibrant movement is taking root — the cultivation of cherries and other delectable foods through organic practices. Nestled against a backdrop of majestic mountains and lush valleys, Kurdish farmers are embracing sustainable, eco-friendly methods that not only yield bountiful harvests but also contribute to the preservation of the region's natural beauty.

The cultivation of cherries, in particular, is a labor of love and a celebration of the rich soil that characterizes Kurdistan. Orchards adorned with cherry blossoms create a picturesque landscape, inviting not only the locals but also those from afar to witness the exquisite beauty of nature harmonizing with agriculture.

Organic farming in Kurdistan goes beyond a method; it's a philosophy deeply rooted in respect for the land. Farmers have adopted practices that eschew synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, opting instead for natural alternatives that nourish the soil and promote the health of the cherry orchards. This commitment to organic cultivation is not just about what is grown but also about preserving the purity of the land for future generations.

As the cherries ripen on the branches, the promise of a fruitful harvest becomes a reality. These cherries, bursting with flavor and sweetness, are a testament to the meticulous care invested in their growth. With each bite, one can taste not just the fruit but also the dedication of Kurdish farmers to sustainable agriculture.

Moreover, the organic movement in Kurdistan extends beyond cherries to encompass a diverse array of crops. From olives to pomegranates, figs to grains, the bounty of the land is cultivated with a commitment to maintaining ecological balance. This holistic approach not only nurtures the land but also sustains the health and well-being of those who consume these organically grown treasures.

In Kurdistan, the organic revolution is not merely a trend; it is a reconnection with traditional farming practices that have sustained communities for centuries. It is a celebration of the land's intrinsic value and a recognition that the choices made today shape the legacy of tomorrow. As Kurdish farmers continue to cultivate cherries and an array of organic delights, they forge a path that exemplifies the harmony between humanity and the environment — a journey that nourishes both the body and the soul.

We're looking for more investors for our properties.

We're producing fig hatchlings and new fig varieties which will be on the market in 5 to 10 years. 

AIn the fertile lands of Kurdistan, where history and agriculture intertwine, a vibrant movement is taking root — the cultivation of cherries and other delectable foods through organic practices. Nestled against a backdrop of majestic mountains and lush valleys, Kurdish farmers are embracing sustainable, eco-friendly methods that not only yield bountiful harvests but also contribute to the preservation of the region's natural beauty.
The cultivation of cherries, in particular, is a labor of love and a celebration of the rich soil that characterizes Kurdistan. Orchards adorned with cherry blossoms create a picturesque landscape, inviting not only the locals but also those from afar to witness the exquisite beauty of nature harmonizing with agriculture.
Organic farming in Kurdistan goes beyond a method; it's a philosophy deeply rooted in respect for the land. Farmers have adopted practices that eschew synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, opting instead for natural alternatives that nourish the soil and promote the health of the cherry orchards. This commitment to organic cultivation is not just about what is grown but also about preserving the purity of the land for future generations.
As the cherries ripen on the branches, the promise of a fruitful harvest becomes a reality. These cherries, bursting with flavor and sweetness, are a testament to the meticulous care invested in their growth. With each bite, one can taste not just the fruit but also the dedication of Kurdish farmers to sustainable agriculture.
Moreover, the organic movement in Kurdistan extends beyond cherries to encompass a diverse array of crops. From olives to pomegranates, figs to grains, the bounty of the land is cultivated with a commitment to maintaining ecological balance. This holistic approach not only nurtures the land but also sustains the health and well-being of those who consume these organically grown treasures.
In Kurdistan, the organic revolution is not merely a trend; it is a reconnection with traditional farming practices that have sustained communities for centuries. It is a celebration of the land's intrinsic value and a recognition that the choices made today shape the legacy of tomorrow. As Kurdish farmers continue to cultivate cherries and an array of organic delights, they forge a path that exemplifies the harmony between humanity and the environment — a journey that nourishes both the body and the soul.


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